New Product Reviews

Show us a great online idea, and we’ll show you how an ill-intentioned user might exploit it. Then we’ll help you design your products and features in a way that minimizes risk and keeps your users safer online.


With a myriad of technologies designed to keep your users safe, we can tell you where your investments are best placed and help you and your users make the most of the safety technologies you choose. We can also work with your in-house experts to make your own technologies safer.

Educational Programs

Academic institutions and NGOs have developed benchmark programs for online safety education. We can help you extend their standards to your platform and help teach your users how to stay safer online.

Government Compliance

Overlooking a simple government expectation or regulation can cause a major impact to your business’ bottom line. We stay on top of the latest regulations and enforcement trends, helping you identify and fix risk areas and exceed government expectations.

Crisis Response

We know crisis. And we’ve helped top government, media, and technology companies respond to unexpected threats under the most stressful situations. The larger you are, the higher the risk of an attack on your users and your brand integrity. We’ll work with you to implement incident response plans that can be triggered anytime, anywhere.

External Affairs

We live at the intersection of online issues, talking with journalists, NGOs, academics, governments, and top companies each day. Let us build a coalition of influential advocates who can attest to your investments in user safety. And if a crisis hits, your CEO or president isn’t always the right spokesperson. We can go beyond crafting your messaging to doing the talking for you – in print, online, on radio, and on camera.