The term personal computer means much more than the phrase typically implies. Computers represent such an integral part of our personal lives that we use them in almost every possible setting. We review business emails in our pajamas, check status updates while brushing our teeth and browse the Internet while cooking dinner. Unfortunately, computer users may be most vulnerable to a disturbing trend in hacking crimes while in the comfort of their own homes, as hackers work to gain control of victims’ computers in order to watch their every move through connected webcams.

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Hemanshu (Hemu) Nigam is an online safety, security, and privacy expert and CEO of SSP Blue, an online security consultancy. He is also a frequent contributor to CNN, HLN, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, CBS,, and  To sign up for SSP Blue’s Weekly News & Info, please click here, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.  See also Hemu’s personal site.