Kids all around the world dream about the day they visit the magical world of Disney. For many of these children, Disney parks and resorts represent a world of legend filled with enchanted princesses, celebrated adventures and beloved animated characters turned into real-life photo opportunities. Beginning this spring, Disney plans to issue digital ID bracelets to collect and analyze visitor preferences and spending information with just the tap of a wrist — thus helping to materialize each customer’s Disney dreams by offering individualized experiences and tailored marketing information.

Read more on Huffington Post


Hemanshu (Hemu) Nigam is an online safety, security, and privacy expert and CEO of SSP Blue, an online security consultancy. He is also a frequent contributor to CNN, HLN, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, CBS,, and  To sign up for SSP Blue’s Weekly News & Info, please click here, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.  See also Hemu’s personal site.